SQL for Data Science/Data Analysis.

In this blog I will talk about SQL(Structured Query Language). When and where it is used , what’s the purpose with respect to Data Analysis…
SQL is basically used to handle the data which is stored in the databases. Typically there are different databases owned by several companies hence the SQL syntax varies a little bit based on databases, but the main idea behind handling the data is the same. For example — Oracle (Oracle SQL), Microsoft(MSSQL) and IBM (DB2) are few examples of the companies owning their databases with syntactically minimal difference in the programming language of their respective databases.
Data Handling, Know how?
So next is how the data is handled with the help of SQL. It actually helps in loading the data into the databases via Insert Scripts, Manipulate the data i.e. Updating and Deleting the records from the Databases with the help of UPDATE & DELETE commands from the tables. If you want to actually see these commands via LIVE Coding you can refer my videos on YouTube channel- CodeML playlists for SQL.
How Data Analysis with SQL?
Data Analysis with the help of SQL can be done directly either through the SQL Developer tools where in the Data can be filtered out from the tables with the help of SELECT Queries or using Python we can connect the databases, pull in the data from the tables , load it into the dataframes and then perform some useful data analysis as required with the help of Python libraries like seaborn, matplotlib, plotly etc..
To know more about SQL and where to start practicing online visit my channel — CodeML https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClkY35A98UDys0oWmQVhQsA